El Frente Nacional en Colombia y su relación con el desarrollo empresarial Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cruz Gongora, Jason


  • The National Front was a political coalition between the traditional parties of Colombia between the year 1958 to 1974, as an alternative to face a period of violence and retaliaciones partisan that lived through the country, some of the historical periods of big economic, political and social events not only internal but also in the international area. The principal political agreement of the national front after Gustavo Rojas Pinillas overthrow was the reorganization of the country by means of the alternation in the power of the liberal and conservative parties. Inside the principal interests of the National Front encontrabà to define an economic, social politics and of modernization of the State by means of a compound not alone process with political forces but with the economic unions that had been consolidated as spokesmen of the business community and the different economic groups. Nevertheless, not always it was possible; some measures generated inconvenience between the above mentioned sectors and others were done in conciliation by the government of the United States and not by the trade-union Colombian associations, in consideration of the model of Keynesian development and the influence of the theory estructuralista cepalina.

publication date

  • October 10, 2011 3:22 PM


  • Managerial development
  • National Front

Document Id

  • 053f1872-33aa-411f-8b52-c760d5a5c27d