Hacia una antropología de la actividad física desde el estudio del cuerpo : el caso del Tactikal Boot Camp o entrenamiento militar para civiles en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Becerra Fajardo, Yaneth


  • In this research the body is presented as an unfinished project, which is transformed (in a material, physical and corporal way) and configured individually, collectively, and politically, according to the experience lived, the military discipline and the practice of physical activity what each subject does For this, a sweep will be carried out on the study of the body to realize that when it is spoken about, one can not refer to something solely physical that is transformed from the corporal or the external image, but it is spoken of the existence of diverse bodies that converge in the same subject at the time of configuring it. To lower these theoretical discussions on the study of the body to a particular case, the physical activity carried out in the Tactikal Boot Camp Gorilla Squad (TKBCGS) or military training for civilians will be presented as a corporal practice that transforms and configures the body of the subjects that voluntarily participate in this. This scenario makes the discussion about the study of the body to construct the analytical path towards an anthropology of physical activity. For this research, a fieldwork was carried out, through observation and own participation in the TKBCGS. One of the purposes of this research is to live from the body and the experience of the researcher the practice of physical activity of this type of training. Apart from this approach to the field, from the observation four subjects were selected, with whom life trajectories were made, made up of semi-structured and structured interviews, during various daily scenarios and training of each one of them. From this theoretical sweep and this approach to the field, it is proposed to analyze physical activity as a broad scenario that allows to account for various interactions and social discussions about gender, class, race, abilities and physical and social capacities; among other

publication date

  • May 15, 2018 1:46 PM


  • Body
  • Configuration
  • Military discipline
  • Military training for civilians
  • Physical activity
  • Transformation

Document Id

  • 064b73cf-335d-49cf-ad40-688941f190b8