“Caracterización del comportamiento emprendedor de los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad del Rosario” Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hinestrosa Arteta, Sandra
  • Soto Luna, Maria Camila


  • Up today the situation of the labour market is worrying and employment has got lost in almost all the productive sectors, the index of unemployment tends to the rise every year and before the lack of opportunities thousands of young people have lost heart, leaving the labour market. For it, the current society in that we live through demand enterprising who make projects with successful companies and contribute the generation of employment and innovation. With the previously siuation described, it has been decided to investigate the educational experience in entrepreneurship in the students of last year of Business Administration. Equally, we seek to identify the attitudes and beliefs of the university students towards the entrepreneurship and towards the businessman in the university of Granada in Spain and in Rosario University in Colombia.

publication date

  • 2014-06-18


  • Entrepreneurhip

Document Id

  • 07f0a5c6-ad0c-44e9-ae96-e33f4e40a6c0