Implementación de criterios de Beers en pacientes con atención domiciliaria mayores de 75 años polimedicados y la identificación de las reacciones cruzadas Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Betancur Vivas, Jorge
  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Javier-Leonardo
  • González Rodríguez, Javier Leonardo
  • Pantoja Cleves, Laura Alejandra


  • Introduction: The increase in the geriatric population is a reality worldwide and with this, home care models take great relevance to answer to different pathologies that require monitoring. It has been shown that in such monitoring, the phenomenon of polypharmacy happens frequently, with the risk of generating cross-effects and adverse reactions that increase the clinical deterioration of patients.Objective: To determine the possible cross-effects of irrelevant polymedication in patients over 75 years with hypertension and neurodegenerative disease in a home care model in a health promoter of contributive regime in Bogota, based on the Beers criteria.

publication date

  • October 3, 2016 10:50 PM


  • Beers criteria
  • adverse drug reaction
  • cross- reactions
  • geriatric population
  • home care
  • polypharmacy

Document Id

  • 0971cc89-cdf6-4ed6-b58e-d919b0b81a8b