Herramienta de evaluación para programas de inclusión en actividad física, recreación y deporte para personas con discapacidad en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Vélez Almonacid, Jesús Germán


  • Introduction: The evaluation of social programs, has been, since its beginnings, ofgreat importance to strengthen the process of decision-makers of the programs, because itfeeds the executed and helps implementing corrective measures necessary to achieve thedesired impact on the target population, who are generally vulnerable communities such aspeople with disabilities. In recent years, this population has been the focus of many programsand projects in different fields such as physical activity, recreation, sport and physicaleducation. In order to parameterize and allow an adequate impact on this population,COLDEPORTES designed in 2013 a set of guidelines which are responsible for generatingthe course of actions of the programs that are designed and implemented in local authorities.With the purpose of following up and observing results of its application, it is necessary to doso through an assessment tool. According to the latest trends in the evaluation of socialprograms, it should be made through indicators, which allow to do an evaluation in a moreefficient manner. Therefore, the assessment tool for the guidelines should be made by usingindicators.Objective: To generate an evaluation tool for programs and activities in physicalactivity, recreation and sport for people with disabilities in Colombia, taking into account theguidelines defined by COLDEPORTES.Methodology: Was conducted literature review on the evaluation of social programs,evaluation indicators and people with disabilities, followed the evaluation indicators weredesigned based on the variables of the guidelines proposed by COLDEPORTES subsequentlyindicators were subjected to a validation in a nominal group, consisting of experts in socialprograms and work in people with sidabilities, finally, they were systematized and analyzedof results.vResults: The assessment tool was validated by experts; there were adjustments in theevaluation indicators of the guidelines for accessibility to communication and information,accessibility to academic training and accessibility to the physical environment.Conclusions: The assessment tool designed is a first step to improve current methodsof evaluation, aimed at strengthening the existing data of people with disabilities and have avision of the impact of plans, programs and projects in physical activity, recreation and sportsexecuted today. There is need to continue researching new alternatives of assessmentprocesses to improve decision-making and guarantee schemes, appropriate programs andsocial projects for the population, without distinguishing their characteristics.

publication date

  • October 24, 2016 4:18 PM


  • Disabled persons
  • Program evaluation
  • Social impact indicators

Document Id

  • 0a0ddc3f-6bf0-4ec8-9e37-543462af6104