Mercadeo farmacéutico de productos bajo prescripción: efectos de las estrategias Direct-to-Consumer-Advertising en el comportamiento de los consumidores y de prescripción de los médicos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Granada Guzmán, Natalia Alexandra


  • The basis of this project is the analysis of current promotion strategies of pharmaceuticalproducts, within the framework of the debate on the persuasive or informative effect that direct advertising has on consumers. The research objective is to determine the effects of Direct to Consumer Advertising or DTCA promotion strategies on the purchasing behavior of consumers and prescription behavior of physicians in the United States. To this end a monograph was proposed, conducting an argumentative literature review based on secondary information gathered through scientific databases whose contents obey certain methodological criteria and standards for the argumentative nature of the study. In addition, the debate on these strategies was analyzed under the light of two studies conducted on patients with breast, prostate and colon cancer, led by the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry with Avodart® and Flomax® biopharmaceutical products.Finally, the primary focus of this research was the relationship of the pharmaceutical market in the United States with each of the market agents interacting within it; consumers, physicians and pharmaceutical companies, and the value that they share through these interactions. It is concluded that consumer buying behavior is determined by the nature of the pathology they suffer and the behavior of the professionals who prescribe to their patients is influenced by the DTCA advertisements.

publication date

  • January 23, 2017 3:43 PM


  • DTCA Strategies
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing
  • Prescription drugs

Document Id

  • 1948dd3f-e4f1-4f57-a132-383d568f2ae2