¿Y la memoria para qué? participación política de mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado. Estudio de caso: ruta pacífica de las mujeres (2005-2014) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Villamizar Vargas, Silvia


  • The interest of this paper is to identify and explain the scope of the construction of memory in colombian society, not only as an element of not forgetting but also as a tool of resistance and action of those who build it and rebuild it . Therefore, the research aims to determine the link between memory and political participation, analyzing and explaining how women belonging to Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres have built memory regarding the processes of violence they face and how this process allowed the consolidation of a collective identity through which they resist violence and cultural codes that perpetuate it. Consequently, an analysis of documents built by Ruta Pacífica is made, according to the construction of memory and with it, a review of participatory processes developed by Ruta Pacífica.

publication date

  • October 21, 2016 3:48 PM


  • Memory
  • Political participation
  • Resistance identity
  • Social movements

Document Id

  • 1b96ea96-341f-455f-81ea-fe8113b71442