Transmisiones deportivas como género mediático y periodístico : Análisis pragmático de las transmisiones colombianas de la Copa Mundial – Sudáfrica 2010 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Susa Sánchez, David Esteban


  • This academic work presents the results of a qualitative-pragmatic study of a sample of the 2010 FIFA World Cup broadcast on the Colombian Open Television. We argue that sport broadcast (which has the Association football broadcast as its most extended form) should be understated as a different mediatic and journalistic genre and, therefore, it should be analyzed from different criteria in comparison with more traditional products of massive communication.

publication date

  • 2013-01-15


  • Association football (Soccer)
  • Journalistic genres
  • Massive communication
  • Sport broadcast

Document Id

  • 1c2a9bd3-e1d5-472c-afdc-7254601fdfc8