Caracterización de las condiciones de salud respiratoria de los trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón en minería subterránea en Boyacá año 2013 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Garrote Wilches, Carolina Fernanda


  • Objective: To characterize the respiratory health conditions and establish the risk factors associated with the development of pneumoconiosis in workers exposed to coal dust in mines who worked adit in Boyaca in 2013. Materials and Methods: It was performed a descriptive cross-sectional study in workers exposed to coal dust in the department of Boyacá (Samaca Socha, Socota, Sogamoso, Tópaga and Iza). It was identify the occupational history, physical examination chest X-ray, tuberculin test and spirometry. Results: The study included 170 male workers. 81. 1 % out of the population were aged between 20 and 50 years old. 75% out of the population had been working in the mining sector between 10 and 20 years. The bituminous coal was the predominant coal. 50 % out of extraction was manual. The picker was the most frequent position. The most frequent signs were rhonchi, wheezing, pulmonary rales, and decreased breath sounds. The findings predominated in the population over 20 years old. Expectoration and cough symptoms were most frequently referred by workers who used mechanize extraction. 15. 9% out of x rays have shown radiological changes of pneumconiosis. 17, 1% out of the ppd skin test was positive and 5. 3% out of the spirometrie had shown alterations on the periferic bronqui and obstructive patron.

publication date

  • March 17, 2020 12:57 AM


  • Colombia
  • Pneumconiosis.
  • TB
  • coal dust
  • occupational disease

Document Id

  • 1f8361c8-b390-4cfa-89c7-c49c7e9da37e