El liderazgo organizacional: una aproximación desde la perspectiva etológica Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernandez Cuesta, Jorge Luis


  • This research raises the fundamental need to generate a process of analysis, aiming to propose human organizational dynamics, from an ethological approach.Ethology appears as a systematic study of animal behavior, forms of association, their disparity, but above all, their actions in seeking organic collective behavior that tends to the common good. To this extent the leadership emerges as a clear possibility of promoting human relations focused on the different aspects of relational, culture, communication, community, axiology, and finally ethology. It also examines the different strategies as possible leadership change within organizations, can be substantiated by comparison ethological processes, and generate proposals from configuring a chore organizational solidarity, leadership, and internal development external organizations.

publication date

  • January 16, 2014 7:28 PM


  • Communication
  • Community
  • Culture
  • Ethology
  • Leadership
  • Organization

Document Id

  • 22581f67-b18f-4aee-89ab-c694be3c2d44