Periodismo y procesos de paz : reflexión comparativa en el cubrimiento de negociaciones de paz en Colombia entre el gobierno y las FARC – EP (1998 - 2002 y 2012 - 2013) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Pombo García, Natalia


  • This research article presents the comparative analysis in the journalistic coverage of the peace processes in El Caguán and La Habana between the national government and the guerrilla group of the FARC-EP, with the aim of identifying their transformation during the two periods of time in which the negotiations were carried out. These transformations were due to factors related to a change of discursive paradigm, the journalistic experience in the approach to peace processes, the methodology of the negotiations and the political and social context of Colombia. The body of the investigation is based on the analysis of notes of the newspaper El Tiempo, in addition to conducting interviews with journalists who covered the peace processes.

publication date

  • 2017-11-09


  • Journalism
  • Journalistic values
  • Negotiations
  • News
  • Peace process

Document Id

  • 26819902-d49f-4b09-98df-900a11408a61