Evolución del neuromarketing Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bautista Rincón, Daniela
  • Velasquez Maldonado, Diana Marcela


  • This is an investigative type article which aims to be an academic document, the purpose is to provide relevant information about the concept of neuromarketing. To better understand this concept, emphasis will be placed on the different positions of authors who have set a different course in this field. It is important to take into account the two perspectives covered by neuromarketing, which are neuroscience and marketing, since they complement each other. This influences the method of neuroscience research because it helps to recognize how the brain works to the stimuli. To know the consumer's decision when purchasing a product or a service, it is necessary to know in depth how emotions are captured and how these people associate feelings through stimuli. All of the above can be measured by specialized tools that show the brain functioning of the perception that we have about the product or service offered.

publication date

  • March 8, 2018 11:43 AM


  • Brain
  • Consumer
  • Emotions
  • Marketing
  • Neuroscience
  • Perception
  • Stimuli

Document Id

  • 27b18c66-c967-4838-b05d-8ceefe7f8d2a