Logros de la Cooperación Internacional en el proceso de Empoderamiento de la mujer con miras a la Construcción de Paz Positiva en Colombia. Estudio de caso: “Proceso de capacitación técnico-laboral, desarrollo humano y apoyo a iniciativas productivas, dirigido a 3.181 mujeres en situación de prostitución y alto riesgo” 2011- 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Delgado Estrada, Ángela


  • The objective of the present case study is to analyze the way in which the cooperation project Technical-labor training process, human development and support to productive initiatives, directed at 3,181 women in situations of prostitution and high risk 2011-2014 , designed by the Community of Sisters Adorers in Colombia, contributes to the fulfillment of the goals and agendas of actors of International Cooperation such as BMZ and Cáritas Alemana; and how the fulfillment of these goals has to do with the interests of creating positive peace and empowering women in the country.

publication date

  • June 5, 2017 7:50 PM


  • International cooperation
  • Positive peace building
  • Women's empowerment

Document Id

  • 283662fe-c32a-461c-8c12-851cd8155bf0