Trastornos de la voz y factores relacionados en docentes : revisión de la literatura 1996-2016 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Estrada Concha, Mabel Carolina
  • Valencia Flórez, Luz

external tutor

  • Combariza Bayona, David Andrés


  • Introduction: Considering the human voice one of the fundamental elements for the development of different work activities, in particular for teachers, is the main work tool, however, by exposure to different risk factors, within which there are psychosocials, diverse effects on health can be generated. Objective: Identify voice disorders and related factors in teachersMethodology: An information review was carried out between the years 1996 - 2016, using Google Academic, Scielo, Medline and Publimed databases, in Spanish and English. The search terms used were: voice disorders, occupational risks, psychosocial and teaching risks, 106 articles were reviewed, of which a total of 40 articles were selected. Results: The prevalence of voice disorders varied in the different studies analyzed, ranging from 8% to 57. 7%. Within the voice disorders, dysphonia was reported with the main disorder with a prevalence between 48. 5% and 53. 9% and symptoms such as dryness, rashes, pharyngeal stinging, odynophagia, neck tension, hoarseness at the end of the day and fatigue in addition to sleep disorders, anxiety and gastroesophageal reflux. Physical risk factors such as noise, classroom designs with inadequate acoustics, the use of voice for more than five hours a day and cigarette consumption play a fundamental role in the development of voice disorders. Conclusions: Teachers are exposed to multiple risk factors, which is why they should be included in epidemiological surveillance programs and in promotion and prevention activities to reduce the prevalence of voice disorders.

publication date

  • January 31, 2018 8:18 PM


  • Disorders
  • Factores
  • Literature
  • Teachers
  • Voice

Document Id

  • 28c2e712-6ebe-4325-97d6-50da85bfed3a