Liderazgo de Rango Total: revisión teórica del modelo Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bazzani Gaviria, Juan
  • Villalobos Torres, Daniela


  • At the organizational level is necessary to internalize and apply concepts that create tools that enable the proper functioning of enterprises in order to generate better results not only in monetary terms but also social and ethical. At present, the understanding of situations, circumstances and relationships that exist within an enterprise is relevant to the implementation of strategies and techniques in order to increase companies´ productivity and efficiency.6It is there that the presence of a leader begins to take importance as this leader would be acting as a change agent and is considered a model capable of facing both positive and negative emergent situations and thus generate a change, desires of improvement and inspiring and innovative proposals. This in order to propose new strategies that benefit everyone involved in order to achieve intended goals avoiding the maximum possible risks that may be incurred.Throughout the theoretical review the model of full range leadership would be discussed as a type of leadership where the leader is able to mold the views, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs of the followers. The above without leaving aside other leadership styles that make up the overall model of full range leadership which can be considered and included as an interesting variable in studies to analyze the existence of the relationship between leadership style and organizational outcomes.

publication date

  • February 3, 2015 12:17 AM


  • Full Range Leadership
  • Leadership
  • Organizational change
  • Resilience

Document Id

  • 29147729-a76e-4b26-baae-35e7dfa7513d