Factores asociados a dentición funcional en adultos mayores usuarios de odontología. Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Centro Oriente, Bogotá 2017 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Monroy Ramírez, Monica Johanna
  • Méndez Castilla, José Mauricio


  • Approach: The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that functional dentition refers to the minimum number of teeth that provides people with the ability to perform functions such as speech and chewing without the need for dental prostheses. Objective: To determine the factors associated with functional dentition and prevalence in a group of older adults using the dentistry service of the Central Eastern Sub-network of the city of Bogotá in 2017. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in which the functional dentition was taken as a dependent variable. Using a binary logistic regression model, the independent variables that best explain functional dentition were identified. Data were taken from medical records completed by trained dentists and statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 24 software. Results: We analyzed 394 clinical records of adults over 60 years old, assessed in the dentistry service, the prevalence of functional dentition was 17%. Multivariate analysis determined that the factors that best explained functional dentition were sex (RP^1.647, 95% CI 1.029 - 2.634), age, presence of comorbidities (RP^3.397, 95% CI 1.318 - 8.758) and use of dental floss (RP^1.955 95% CI 1.112 - 3.437). Conclusions: The data showed low prevalence of functional dentition in the population studied. The prevalence of functional dentition was almost twice as high in the male population as in the female population (95% CI 1.029 - 2.634); in terms of age it was found that for each year of life the functional dentition is reduced by almost 8%; The prevalence of functional dentition was more than three times higher in patients with the presence of comorbidities than in patients without them (95% CI 1.318 - 8.758); patients who flossed also had twice the prevalence of functional dentition than patients who did not floss themselves. The study findings suggest the importance of strengthening the preventive activities component in adulthood.

publication date

  • June 6, 2018 7:53 PM


  • Dentition
  • Edentulous
  • Elderly
  • Jaw

Document Id

  • 2a3fb618-23a6-49f3-ac2d-b6fccdcc4b39