La política exterior de Colombia con China: ¿Cuáles son los retos? Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Páez Torres, Magda Gisela


  • SummaryThe present investigation is focused on a review of the external policy of Colombia with China, to identify progress, failures and omissions in the search of the strengthening of the relation. In view of the phenomenon of globalization, the Asian giant makes presence as an essential character to establish societies, due to its recent increasing in the hierarchy of power, its growing industry which demands raw materials and its huge population, whose consumption capacity is higher over time. Although recent Colombia Governments have manifested interest for narrowing links with China, the lack of a policy and strategy of State, as well as the diplomat weakness, have influenced in the fact that no significant results have been gotten. Some shortcomings have been glimpsed in the policy management which have had repercussion on the lack of dynamism of the links and have impacted on the economic plane. For the development of the research, some theoretical postulates are adopted according to the relation between internal and external policy, which explain how the domestic phenomena influence the positions that the States adopt in their relations with other countries. This view lets us establish how the internal processes of Colombia, the institutional characterization, the designation of leaders, between other aspects, have influenced the links with China.By the nature of the study, a qualitative methodology is taken to cover the review of the bibliographic and journalistic material, the inquiry of official documents and the development of interviews to researchers of the Colombo-China relation. Some statistical data are collected as well, which are essential to support the objectives of this work and some cases from other countries are quoted, such as Brazil and Chile, which give a reference to know how far Colombia is according to the relation with the Asian giant and which steps are next. It is considered that this investigation is an academic base for the development of new studies about Colombia-China relation, given that some determinant elements in history of this Asian country are identified. Likewise, the intention is to give a contribution through this research work from academy to Colombian State to narrow the links with China, based on the factors that have been identified throughout the four chapters that compose the study. Colombia is in default to rethink its relation with one of the most powerful economies in the world, so, it is necessary to get a roadmap that allows to navigate with clarity toward the Asian giant.

publication date

  • January 14, 2015 7:04 PM


  • China
  • Colombia
  • external policy.
  • internal policy

Document Id

  • 304fe19b-001e-4996-96b8-b5cdcb0f682c