Perfil de la mujer en la alta dirección en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Morales Castro, Clara Viviana


  • The aim of this descriptive phenomenological study is to identify socio-demographic profiles that are common between the group of women managers in Colombia and identify the characteristics of leadership, for this purpose we conducted a qualitative study and analysis of the determinants of women labor force participation in Colombia.It was based information surveys a group of women senior managers in Colombia, implementing an analysis of the categories identified in the study to describe the socio-demographic profiles and the womens leadership in Colombia. The results suggest that in Colombia the characteristics that explain those profiles describe Colombian women in positions of managers, deputy managers, presidents, vice presidents and directors, who completed an undergraduate degree and have a full preparation, both academically and within the organization.About leadership, motivation to perform well at work, productivity gains and to achieve the goals set for the activity, teamwork and concern for having a good working environment are the categories that characterize this group women.

publication date

  • 2011-08-18


  • Age
  • Education
  • Female labor force participation
  • Fertility
  • Labor force
  • Labor market
  • Leadership
  • Task orientation and team

Document Id

  • 30948fe8-b9f4-4d58-8d1e-7a9077b402e3