CEDAW en las películas de las nuevas princesas de Disney y su penetración en el imaginario social masculino y femenino de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos: una lectura desde la geopolítica crítica Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Mancilla Mahecha, Catalina


  • The purpose of the current research is to analyze CEDAW’s discourse and its presence in the United Arab Emirates through the new Disney princess movies toward the masculine and feminine imaginaries in order to reveal the problem that it represents to the State in the context of critical geopolitics. CEDAW’s discourse is very similar to what is shown in the new Disney princess movies and that is contrary to the religious principles that guide the emirati State intervening therefore, with its Islamic identity. This case of study will use general concepts of critical geopolitics in order to understand and explain the project itself. In addition, to get away with the project, there will be used methods as the hermeneutical study of the Coran, discourse analysis of the new Disney princess movies and file work of news and official declarations of the United Arab Emirates towards CEDAW and the movies referred below.

publication date

  • 2017-04-18


  • Critical geopolitics
  • Discourse
  • Islamic identity
  • Masculine and feminine imaginaries
  • New Disney princess movies

Document Id

  • 318e34c4-7a09-430d-805c-d935c1cb6639