Evolución de la oruga o constreñimiento de la mariposa: una mirada al rol económico de China en Sudán. (1999- 2008) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Nieto Ramírez, Diana Marcela


  • The purpose of this monograph is to analyze the economic role of China in Sudan between the years of 1999 and 2008. After the Sudanese crisis of the decade of the 1990´s, this paper aims to identify the effect of the Chinese role in the following Sudanese economic sectors: textile, agricultural, metal, and oil, as well as the political stability in Omar Al- Bashir´s regime and the Darfur conflict as a social factor. As a final objective, based on Mohammed Ayoob´s theoretical work, the status of Sudan as a Third World State will be reevaluated with the use of analogy of the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

publication date

  • January 29, 2016 4:47 PM


  • China
  • Development
  • Oil dependence
  • Sudan
  • Third World

Document Id

  • 31fac0ae-4d92-4fb8-9771-a64891f0c1fd