Estrategias de la política exterior de seguridad japonesa en las relaciones con la península coreana (1991-2006) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Beltrán Valbuena, Andrea


  • The security strategies of Japanese foreign policy towards the Korean peninsula in the period of 1991-2006, were determined by the structural changes that occurred with the end of the Cold War, and the new distribution of capabilities. According to neorealism, it is argued that Japan has planned its strategies toward each one of the states of the peninsula in response to the pressures that the environment offers, having as its main objective their survival and the stability in Northeast Asia. That is why the text argues that with South Korea, Japan seeks strategies where they work together to maintain the balance of power; while with North Korea, strategies are purely defensive and dissuasive. To support this, a comparison of Japanese security strategies was implemented, making use of the same theoretical concepts and the same thematic areas in each chapter.

publication date

  • 2014-10-02


  • Japan
  • Korean Peninsula
  • Neorrealism
  • Security

Document Id

  • 32e5ba58-2fdf-4497-92f7-34e07d68a3ce