Caracterización del comportamiento emprendedor de los estudiantes de jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernández Bonilla, Francy Gineth
  • Rodríguez Goyeneche, Sara Lucía
  • Tristancho Plazas, Juliana


  • Since ancient times man has strived to become better every day and increase his standards of life. Today, entrepreneurship has become one of the essential factors to promote the development and encourage the evolution of society worldwide. Focusing specifically in Colombia, increased entrepreneurial behavior patterns with an associated profile have become more noticeable in the young, since both universities and colleges have being instilling a culture that promotes and supports the development of ideas.This is why this investigation focuses in the analysis of the characterization of the behavior of the entrepreneurial profile of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Rosario. In this sense we analyze the extent to which their attitudes are crucial for the implementation of projects in training, and to know on which semester there is a highest entrepreneurial profile and the relationship between its students and the development of new projects. To develop this problem we used a tool recognized internationally known as entrepreneurial behavior or CCE EMPRETEC. This process was made according to McClelland theory where the motivational factors that are directly associated with entrepreneurial behavior were observed. The methodology used allowed us to characterize the behavior of the students of the Faculty of Law from 1st to 10th semester by evaluating 10 factors associated with needs for achievement, power and affiliation, in order to provide the necessary information to the center of entrepreneurship at the University of Rosario.

publication date

  • February 2, 2015 8:47 PM


  • Behavior
  • Characteristics of the entrepreneur
  • Culture
  • Demographics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environment
  • Gender
  • Individual
  • Law

Document Id

  • 3867cd36-582b-47d4-b2c6-7a6c7ecbc86d