La creación de un programa académico : la fisioterapia en la Universidad del Rosario, un campo social para la construcción de su profesionalización Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez-Prieto, Indira Enith


  • This paper explain how the interactions between students, teachers and executives of an Academic Program, whit interests of different types (hegemonize a social and symbolic capital), can determine or not the processes of professionalization, institutional distinction and development of the Academic Programs. This paper analise the process of the emergence of the Academic Program of Physiotherapy of the Universidad del Rosario and its antecedents was taken as a case study, from 1968 to the year 2000. This Academic Program has been recognized for historians of physiotherapy in Colombia, as a symbol of innovation and development of the profession in health fields different from the traditional one of clinical practice. However, the historical process of this Program has not been studied in depth.

publication date

  • November 20, 2018 3:21 PM


  • Physical Theraphy
  • Professionalization
  • history of Physical Theraphy

Document Id

  • 3d1f22d6-8fc9-4140-9c52-579e25efa31f