Valoración de opciones bajo el modelo de Kou aplicando transformada de Fourier Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Grillo Rios, Juan David


  • This Thesis presents Kou´s Model, Double Exponential jump diffusion, for the valuation of European Call options over the oil price as the underlying asset. It will show the numerical calculations for the formulation of resolve analytical expressions by the implementation of accurate numerical algorithms that will take to the theoretical prices of the evaluated options. Subsequently it will discuss the advantages of using methods like the Fourier Transform, because of the relative simplicity of its implementation against other numerical techniques; this method united to the Regularization Non Parametric Calibration exercise, that through the least square errors minimization adjusted to a penalization term established by the relative entropy concept, will conclude in achieving the pricing of call options over the oil, taking into account a better capacity of the model in assigning fair prices against the ones traded in the market.

publication date

  • September 17, 2014 12:46 PM


  • Call Options
  • Double Exponential Distribution
  • Fourier Transform
  • Jump diffusion
  • Kou’s Model
  • Non Parametric Calibration

Document Id

  • 3e1dbf43-2a7c-430a-9ad4-e747b6060186