Descripción de la estructura organizacional del área de Responsabilidad Social del Helm Bank en el año 2012 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Nova Valcárcel, Camilo Andrés


  • The research that falls up next embraces the Business Social Responsibility in the Colombian financial sector, bringing academic information where authors, theorists and practitioners, analyze and provide guidelines for responsible and sustainable business actions. At the same time, this works allows the reader to view information collected from primary sources, product of conversations with Helm Bank Sustainability Directive, member of the Colombian financial sector and the union of the most relevant bank in the nation ASOBANCARIA. The emphasis of this research is to focus on the identification of the organizational structure of an area of BSR in the financial sector and its components, defined in the different upcoming subjects; Area evolution, Work coordination, Labor and Strategic Platform DivisionAs a result of this investigation interesting elements were founded. Within these elements it makes special mention the synergy linking the strategic business planning with sustainable practices, the direct connection between Senior management and the area of Business Responsibility, and especially welcomed is the huge launch of responsible actions in three dimensions: social, environmental and economic by some national banking companies around their actors of interest.

publication date

  • 2013-01-15


  • Business Responsibility
  • Structural design
  • Sustainability

Document Id

  • 3e8d09cd-b356-4183-ac81-a9c23d04a4de