Crisis del asilo en Europa: Una aproximación al modelo político gubernamental de Graham Allison Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • De Reyes Lanfranco, Ricardo


  • The influx of asylum seekers from Turkey through irregular migration routes via the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Balkans in 2015 resulted in an unprecedented migration crisis in Europe and especially in Germany, the main destination of asylum seekers. The European Commission has sought to find a short-term solution to control irregular migration flows at an intergovernmental and domestic level. The European Union, led by Germany, reached a cooperation agreement with Turkey, which, among other things, reopens the negotiation process of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, in spite of the fact that the process, which has been frozen in recent years, was primarily blocked by Germany.This paper aims to explain the position change of the German government, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, in face of the management of asylum and refuge in Europe, which has resulted in the agreement with Turkey. The paper uses Graham Allison´s Governmental Politics decision model as its basis of analysis.

publication date

  • 2017-01-10


  • Asylum Crisis
  • European Union
  • Germany
  • Governmental Politics
  • Turkey

Document Id

  • 3fe7b729-36ee-4b10-9ab1-08a8130d005d