Santa Bárbara, el barrio que no soportó las tempestades : el olvido y la demolición del patrimonio arquitectónico en la construcción del relato histórico de Bogotá entre 1980 y 1983 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Sarmiento Rojas, Stephanie


  • The aim of this investigation is to analyze the construction of the southern boundary of Bogotá’s historical center, which was declared cultural patrimony in the early 80s, focusing on two processes: on the one hand, the demolition of large parts of the traditional Santa Bárbara neighborhood; on the other hand, the recognition of La Candelaria’s patrimonial value. Although both areas of the city were historically part of the city center and thus shared a common origin, in the end only La Candelaria was considered worthy of conservation. Therefore, this graduate thesis seeks to explain why Santa Barbara was excluded from the city’s historical narrative, by concentrating on the discussions about its historical value. Such debates related to the public use of history can also be conceived as “struggles for memory”, in the words of Elizabeth Jelin.

publication date

  • 2016-04-15


  • Heritage
  • Historical center
  • La Candelaria
  • Memory
  • Public use of history
  • Santa Bárbara

Document Id

  • 406e3327-f393-4a74-a466-041c12b026ca