Estrategias de lucha contra el despojo : interlocución entre el pueblo arhuaco y el Estado colombiano entre 1916 y 1972 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ariza Arias, Kelly Johanna


  • For long part of the twentieth century the Arhuaco indigenous of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta suffered a territorial, political, economic and cultural dispossession process by Capuchin missionaries and settlers. As a strategy against colonization, the Arhuacos developed an interlocution with Colombian State, through which they denounced the abuses and demanded the intervention of national and regional authorities. The analysis of transformations and continuities of the arhuaco claims pretend to expand what is understood as fighting strategy and show that this indigenous group and their claims were crossed by particular historical conditions.

publication date

  • May 7, 2019 6:42 PM


  • Arhuacos
  • dispossession
  • indigenous
  • interlocution

Document Id

  • 42003e6d-dda5-4cda-b3d1-4df92409ae8c