Frecuencia de situaciones inseguras según el registro de una clínica privada de tercer nivel de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bravo C., Ana
  • Doria C., Lilia E.
  • Sanabria Rojas, Andrea


  • Introduction: Patient safety is a priority in healthcare worldwide. Health care institutions must employ strategies to promote this culture, like the record of unsafe situations. Objective: To determine how often unsafe healthcare practices are reported in a third level private clinic in Bogotá, during the period between May and November 2013. Method: A descriptive study was conducted from a secondary database records filled out by clinic staff. Results: 379 unsafe practices were reported, incidents (52%), adverse events (36 %) and risks (12%). More insecure situations were reported by safe use of medicines and medical devices area (36.93%). The service that reported the most was hospitalization (47%) and emergency room (21%), the position that most reported was nurses (72.5%). Conclusion: The implementation of strategies to encourage reporting helps identify flaws in the health care process by decreasing the frequency of adverse events. This is a first step in patient safety program.

publication date

  • 2014-01-25


  • Adverse events
  • Incident
  • Patient safety
  • Unsafe situations.

Document Id

  • 4577e40c-6af3-4c57-aac3-7f80ed121c12