Características clínicas de las uveítis en pacientes pediátricos en dos centros de referencia oftalmológica en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Aguilar, María Camila
  • Lonngi, Marcela
  • Rodríguez Alvira, Francisco José
  • Ríos, Hernán Andrés


  • Background: Pediatric uveitis has a worldwide prevalence of approximately 30 cases per 100,000 and is the second leading cause of blindness in children in Colombia. However, there are no studies characterizing this entity in our country.Materials and Methods: Retrospective observational clinical record review of pediatric children with diagnosis of uveitis. Results: 311 children were evaluated, 51.8% were female, mean age of 10.1 years. Posterior uveitis was the most common location (58.8%), of insidious onset (87.5%) and chronic course (78.1%). The most common etiology was infectious (58.2%) caused by toxoplasmosis (76.8%). There was a statistically significant difference in visual acuity between anterior (20/67) and intermediate uveitis (20/69), compared to posterior uveitis (20/417) and panuveitis (20/209) (p <0,05).Discussion: This is the first study to report the clinical features of pediatric uveitis in Colombia, where infectious etiologies are the leading cause. It will improve awareness and knowledge of pediatric uveitis in developing countries, and contribute to the development of public health policies of pediatric visual health.

publication date

  • March 7, 2016 4:20 PM


  • Child
  • Colombia
  • Developing Countries
  • Latin America
  • Uveitis

Document Id

  • 45dd310c-d7c6-4171-ba87-c16fc489c7ea