Modelo de recolección de residuos sólidos botellas plásticas y latas utilizando como aliado el sistema de transporte masivo en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Blanco Briceño, María
  • García Jimenez, Giovanny


  • In big cities, the disposal of waste has become a worldwide environmental problem with negative impacts because of the inadequate the management of daily residues. The proposal is to use the public transportation system of Bogota (Transmilenio) as a recollection point of plastic bottles and cans, to create an environmental-responsible project that will have positive results culturally, socially and, in the long term, financially. By studying different proposals some local and abroad, the main factors of success of these projects were identified and included to adequate the present proposal to the city of Bogota and its present conditions. After identifying the characteristics required for Bogota, a demographic study is made to learn how many citizens are willing to participate. As a result, many of the passengers of Transmilenio are expecting an economic retribution in the cost of their boarding tickets. The trial run is made according to the amount of residue recollected, including the type of vehicles, amount of personal and machines that are necessary for a successful project. With the project proposal completed, a financial and economic evaluation is made to identify the costs and expenses. The final conclusion of this proposal is that the budget model is possible to apply in Bogota, because of its characteristics. The social and environmental benefits are also remarked, as well as the cultural change in the citizens towards eco-friendly practice.

publication date

  • 2014-06-10


  • PET
  • RPET
  • financial leverage
  • public transportation system
  • recollection
  • reverse logistic
  • solid waste
  • supply chain

Document Id

  • 46ad6f50-5cbd-4b1d-8efa-feb6e35cfb01