Role of the cultural values as a key part in the implementing of healthy practices : exploratory research Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Javier-Leonardo
  • González Rodríguez, Javier Leonardo
  • Rey, Claudia Fabiola


  • The healthy organization concept becomes strong in the corporative and academic environments,due to its integral focus and to the impact it has caused in different interest groups. Due to itsrecent consolidation as a valid concept, there is little to no corpus of investigation about this topic. Inorder to generate knowledge focused in this concept, an explorative research which aimed to identifythe relationship between implementing healthy organizational practices inside organizations andcultural values was developed. To the research, 66 people were given a questionnaire composed ofnine variables, five of them based in the Hofstede model (1980) and four more that evaluated the implementationof healthy organizational practices. The result shows that cultural values predict theimplementation of healthy practices at the organization.

publication date

  • August 27, 2013 3:07 PM


  • Cultural values
  • Healthy organizational Practices
  • Hofstede’s model
  • Positive organizational Studies

Document Id

  • 4713cee5-8972-4dc6-88fe-0a6c5bab3286