Instituciones educativas sustentables en Colombia caso de estudio colegio Rochester Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bonilla Ruiz, Juliana
  • Cadena Sanchez, Laura
  • García Gonzalez, Verónica


  • In this project we pretend to explain which are the conditions and requirements to create and implement the culture of the green organizations at the educational institutions of Colombia. Starting from the transformation of the Rochester School in a Green School, taking in to account all the requirements that the certification LEED “Leadership Energy & Environmental Design” system ask, and all the administration processes that involves. This investigation will be done through a methodology that is about all the observations, the surveys that were made to the students and parents of Rochester School and the analysis of information in order to establish strategies and criteria to take into account in the design and implementation of the educational institutions from a sustainability perspective.

publication date

  • 2015-06-18


Document Id

  • 47d14125-8496-46ee-88f5-1ebd9ddd09a7