Detección de mamoglobina mediante Rt-Pcr como biomarcador de metástasis en nódulos linfáticos de pacientes con cáncer de seno : una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Monsalve Lancheros, Ana Milena

external tutor

  • Ibáñez-Pinilla, Milcíades
  • Ramírez-Clavijo, Sandra


  • This meta-analysis shows evidence about the diagnostic value about mamoglobin detected by the RT-PCR technique, related to the presence of sentinel node metastases from patients with breast cancer. The search terms chosen were used to obtain publications from different databases and the Google Scholar search web page. The quality of the studies was assessed by two researchers, according to CASPe and QUADAS criteria, the agreement between them was evaluated. The studies which published data required to calculate validity diagnostic values were selected. 182 articles were initially obtained, 24 of these were entered into the meta-analysis. The studies presented high heterogeneity, so the random effects method was used. RT-PCR sensitivity was assessed for the detection of mamaglobin in breast cancer patient´s lymph node, this was 85% with CI (83% - 87%), specificity was 92% with CI (91% - 93%). The positive and negative likelihood values were 8.91 IC (6.11 - 13.01) and 0.17 IC (0.12 - 0.24) respectively; the diagnostic OR was 64.95 with IC (39.86 - 105.84). ROC curve: Q = 0.8874; gl = 23, SE (Q) = 0.0131, the probability to identify breast cancer metastasis in the lymph node, by mamoglobin detection was 94.77%. The presence of mamoglobin, identified by RT-PCR in the breast cancer patient´s lymph node indicates with high probability the presence of metastasis. Further research is required to improve this type of tests, reduce the frequency of discrepancies and make the diagnosis in less time.

publication date

  • June 6, 2018 8:57 PM


  • Breast neoplasm
  • Lymphatic metástasis
  • Mammaglobin
  • Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques
  • Sentinel lymph node

Document Id

  • 4b0b0ce9-705b-4ed2-912b-df0bd12bfe2c