Intereses económicos y políticos versus identidad cultural del corregimiento de Belén de Bajirá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Miranda Peña, Luvi Katherine


  • In Colombia land use planning should be a state policy, is a strategic development a long-term vision instrument.It should include objectives of sustainability of natural resources, preservation of biodiversity and recognition of ecosystem services, equity in access to services and infrastructure, preservation of ethnic and cultural with perspective of responsibility territorial.It is precisely in the area of Urabá, between the border of Choco and Antioquia where a township called Belen Bajirá, which a territorial conflict since 16 years ago. The two department’s dispute a possession of this district that has a census of 16 thousand inhabitants are disputed.

publication date

  • 2016-10-13


  • Fals Borda

Document Id

  • 4b70bf6c-41ed-4c78-96dd-659fcfb548d2