Territorialización de la inseguridad ciudadana en Bogotá : La Calle del Bronx Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Moreno Ponce, Jorge Adriano


  • One of the main motivations for work about identification and comprehension in the researching problem denominated “Territorialization of Citizen Insecurity”, lies in the recognition that make local governments and citizens of multiple troubles related with insecurity and criminality, associated with critical and / or specific vulnerable sectors in the society. From this perspective, seeking to understand the dynamics of such processes a case study is performed about the “Calle del Bronx” (Street of the Bronx) in Bogotá, from a basic conceptual framework and theoretical proposals under the subject criminal structures, geographic space and its surroundings. Likewise, the historical process of transformation and urban renewal that has taken the center of the capital from its foundation until the appearance of Bronx is examined. The behavior of Local Public Policy implemented to counteract the negative effects of these processes over the past twenty-two years (1992-2014) is also reviewed, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses; compared against other areas in Latin America, Europe and the United States that have some features in common with the problems exhibited at the time the “Calle del Bronx” (Street of the Bronx). With that same dynamic, the study asked about the factors which being themselves considered critical areas and/or vulnerable, contribute to generate and consolidate processes of territorialization of insecurity. Finally, the researching revealed the systemic and multicausal of Territorialisation Processes of Citizen Insecurity and the absence of comprehensive and targeted public policies to address the problems generated around scenarios as experienced at the Calle del Bronx.

publication date

  • 2014-12-09


  • Criminality
  • Insecurity
  • Security Ctizen
  • Territorialisation

Document Id

  • 4dbe2725-961b-4140-bfbf-e785fd4156be