Perfil de mercado de Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria y Chipre Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • López Rodríguez, Maria Alexandra
  • Martínez Giraldo, Maria Paula
  • Rosero Cely, Erika Natalia


  • According with Rosario University the Program of International Business has been searching about international and different markets as MERCOSUR, European Union, Asia and with the development of Pacific Alliance for taking account and create marketing profiles for Colombian enterprises in export and internationalization process subjects. Because of that, the objective of this project is allow to know with investigation required about international trade between Colombia and European Union specifically with this five countries, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, and Cyprus above international strategies and how small and mediums companies can be expanded to new markets. And according with the information research determine which products and services Colombia is offering to the five countries of the study and in this way identify proper international characteristic of the markets. In addition, the project will evaluate how efficient are the commercial trades between Colombia and European Union with the countries of the study and then qualified the advantages, the threats, the opportunities and the disadvantages of every transaction that made to our country due build long term international relations and to restructured the functions of the national companies to achieve that. The methodology for do this project is update the data base of every department in Colombia about exports to every country of the study in the European Union using virtual tools of data base as Wiser and another sources of information about management, trades, exports that are in the Chamber of Commerce as a reports.

publication date

  • 2015-08-20


  • Colombia.
  • European Union
  • Internationalization
  • export

Document Id

  • 4f06ce8d-234d-4875-9fc5-efbbed7e4706