Liderazgo y resiliencia: una revisión de la literatura. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castañeda Castaño, María
  • Medina Gómez, Laura Ximena
  • Puentes Quiroga, Angélica María


  • Resilience is a factor that arises in order to allow individuals to efficiently overcome constant changes in their environment, being a major focus of the study of organizations and their performance on the market today. The importance of this dynamic is the revision of the term from a perspective of change, where the essential is not limited to overcome disruptions and crisis presented, but that from social sciences go beyond, taking this dynamism as a growth opportunity. Therefore leadership presents itself as an attribute, which strengthens the development of resilience in the daily work, influencing the well-being and quality of life of employees, as a single end of its application.

publication date

  • August 6, 2015 1:24 AM


  • Adaptation
  • Changes
  • Leadership
  • Organizations
  • Resilience
  • Well-being

Document Id

  • 56158a32-9835-4af0-8179-2830980f5ca6