Foreign fighters en ISIS : un acercamiento a las causas del radicalismo Yihadista occidental. Estudio de caso: Francia (2013-2015) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Vidal Redondo, Jaime


  • The issue to be addressed in this essay concerns the debate that has emerged in various international scenarios particularly in France in regard with the jihadist radicalization of young french citizens and the carried out attacks on the weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan Theatre in 2015. In this sense, the purpose of this document is to offer an approach on how the marginalization and socio-economic conditions of second and third generation French Muslims, contribute to processes of jihadist radicalization and loyalty to the Islamic State. The main argument is that the hardening of laws and immigration policies, the strong socio-economic disparities and the lack of support for the integration of the muslim communities, in favour of assimilation, facilitates strong jihadist radicalization processes which contributes to french nationals affiliation to the terrorist organization Islamic State.

publication date

  • 2016-08-18


  • Foreign Fighters
  • Integration and cultural assimilation
  • Islamic State
  • Jihadist radicalization Islamic State
  • Marginalization
  • Multiculturalism

Document Id

  • 5a35dcbc-424f-4f61-8959-e15eddf20b81