Análisis del manejo de residuos sólidos y su mejor aprovechamiento en la sección fruver de un hipermercado Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Correa Díaz, Ana
  • Gutiérrez Lozano, Diana Marcela


  • There are several issues that concern the world today, one of these is the deterioration of the environment. Therefore, companies have had to take action to give a better handle to their waste with the aim of mitigate environmental impact and in turn, gain economic benefits. This research analyzes the fruver section of a supermarket to determine the main causes of generation of waste and in turn, propose alternative management of such waste to reduce its volume and give a better disposal. This was done through the use of different tools such as surveys, historical data and cause-effect diagram, among others. The results showed that is unavoidable the generation of waste in the fruver area because of company policies and product features. However, it can reduce the amount of waste, improving the management and achieving better synergy between the various actors involved in the process of generating and handling of merchandise. In addition, it is important to do a proper management of waste produced in the Fruver area to order to reduce their environmental impacts.

publication date

  • 2015-07-22


  • Environmental impact
  • Fruver
  • Organic waste management
  • Synergy
  • Waste generation

Document Id

  • 5c52e969-20c8-46ab-8098-11cf77a96d93