Elementos para la relación entre cultura organizacional y estrategia: caso IBM Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Barón Infante, Angélica


  • This work is a contribution to the Research Project of the Professor Carlos Eduardo Mendez Alvarez, Elements For The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Strategy, Project That makes part of the Strategy Research Line of the School of Management at the Rosario University.This research is conducted with the purpose of identifying the Relationship Among the factors of organizational culture and strategy for aligning the companies’ objectives with the value chain activities, managing to be increasingly competitive and durable on the market. As Theoretical basis, the jobs of Carlos Eduardo Mendez Alvarez, Charles Handy, Edgar Schein and Geert Hofstede, Among Others, are taken for organizational culture, and Michael Porter, Henry Mintzberg, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Among Others, for the Organizational Strategy Component; Also, the case to the American Success Company IBM is going to be referenced as an example of the key elements alignment between Culture and Organization Strategy, case that raised in the middle of the extremely competitive American environment.The purpose of this Research is making an analysis, discussions and proposals about the topic.

publication date

  • 2015-02-26


  • Culture
  • Organization
  • Strategy

Document Id

  • 6208de97-c4dd-44c7-8e22-30b2798bd536