Dispositivo pedagógico y escuela pública por venir Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Carrero Pardo, Diego


  • This text approach the processes of subjectivation at public school to come. For this aim use methodological considerations of Michel Foucault about the dependence games in which inscribe in the discursive formation as the pedagogical knowledge in the recent history, identifying a threshold of differentiation in that knowledge that will carry to a new epistemic configuration opened in the present. According to these findings, mainly about the persons that join at the public school, it is proposed the concept of pedagogical mechanism in relationship to the outside y and the subjectivation processes. By the way pointing out the foldings of subjectivation of this outside, in the Gilles Deleuze meaning distinguished here by the economic relationships, the techno-communicational environment and nature as intersection from the two previous, it clarifies the linkage of the third way/voice of the self-referentiality, indicated by Felix Guattari with the public school to come.

publication date

  • May 31, 2017 1:09 PM


  • Discursive dependence game
  • Pedagogical knowledge
  • Pedagogical mechanism
  • Processual subjectivity
  • Public school to come
  • The outside

Document Id

  • 66c1a53f-72e0-48de-9298-55e8c508efe9