Análisis de la cooperación entre Argentina y Brasil para el control de la proliferación nuclear: una lectura desde el realismo defensivo y contingente Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Porras Gómez, Camilo Andrés


  • This paper aims to examine the dynamics of the relation between Argentina and Brazil for the control of the nuclear proliferation, doing a reading from the theoretical lens of the defensive and contingent realism of International Relations. Thus it is intended to study the roots of bilateral cooperation in the first half of the 80's in order to measure the scope of the mentioned theory to justify up to what point a structural modifiers influenced the security dilemma that was configured between Argentina and Brazil, and how that could boost bilateral cooperation in the field.

publication date

  • November 13, 2015 5:43 PM


  • Argentina
  • Brazil.
  • Defensive realism
  • nuclear cooperation
  • regional rivalry

Document Id

  • 67bc0a75-016c-432e-a04c-8d0abdbbd592