Ablación Genital Femenina (AGF): el proyecto Emberá Wera y su efecto en la comunidad Emberá Chamí de los municipios de Mistrató y Pueblo Rico en Risaralda (2007-2014) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernández Palacio, Fallon


  • The purpose of this case study is to analyze the effect and limitations produced by the implementation of The Embera Wera Project, aimed to eliminate the practice of Female Genital Ablation within the Embera Chami community from the municipalities of Mistrató and Pueblo Rico (Colombia). To do this, the changes generated regarding the practice and its related beliefs are tracked once the project was finished. Then, an approach is made to the international standard: elimination of ablation, to realize that it fails internalizing in Chami people, and thus, see the relevance of feminism autonomous processes. Finally, an approach to the project implementation is made using the notion of do no harm, aimed to see some errors and relevant strategies. Methodologically, this research combines fieldwork, an intercultural seminar and multiple ethnographic interviews.

publication date

  • February 7, 2017 12:43 PM


  • Autonomous Feminisms
  • Do do harm
  • Embera Chamí Women
  • Female Genital Ablation
  • Lifecycle of International Norms

Document Id

  • 6875006b-b5d8-415c-9450-929fc5915c9b