Revisión de alcance de la literatura percepción de riesgo y la accidentalidad laboral 2010-2020 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Castañeda Albarracín, Yamid

external tutor

  • Canney Villa, María Patricia


  • Introduction: studies of work environment and risk perception examine opinions that people express, which are often thought to influence behavior, but this is still uncertain. The positive effects of a good work environment for both individual health and business success are related to better employee health and well-being and results in fewer sick leave, accidents, higher productivity, greater creativity, and less staff turnover. The contributions of risk analysis can be combined with considerations of subjective perceptions of risk and value judgments where education and training are tools that represent a determining factor in the process of analysis and perception of risk on hazards and controls in place. of work. Objective. Carry out a scope review of the literature, of the evidence of risk perception, work environment in mostly construction companies and other sectors such as textiles, aeronautics, drivers, firefighters, gas station and refinery. Materials and methods. The word frequencies of the titles, abstracts and thematic keywords of a collection of scientific search engines (ScienceDirect, Pubmed, Clinical Key, ABI / Inform, Scopus, Elsevier, Scielo) were analyzed. Articles in English and Spanish languages ​​published between the years 2010-2020 were selected, a total of 35 articles were included of which 20 were reviewed in depth. Results. Training and formal study are important elements that influence the worker's perception of risk. The optimism bias, the difference in perception according to the rank in the company and the safety climate are added to the training as influencers in the workers' perception of risk. Conclusions. In the different studies analyzed, the factor of training for staff is key, based on this the worker develops a predictable factor, where he clearly knows the risks and dangers to which he is exposed, observing a commitment on the part of the management which leads to responsibility and commitment to the activities to be carried out.

publication date

  • February 3, 2021 2:46 PM


  • Risk behaviors
  • Risk perception
  • Safety climate
  • Security and health at work
  • Work accidents
  • Work environment

Document Id

  • 68d23d1e-e54b-41db-938d-e793b42ed2c7