Diagnóstico y análisis estructural del sector de carrocerías en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez Hernández, Luisanna Klayre
  • Rivera Buitrago, Laura Alejandra


  • The Structural Analysis and Diagnostic of the Bodies Sector in Bogota is a research that seeks to study the characteristics of the sector in terms of its organization, its competitors and the market in order to identify potential problems and distinctive features of the sector.The Bodies Sector has only 532 companies in Bogota , given its share of 4 % in the GDP it has became one of the sectors that the government is seeking to support to make it represent the country at international level ( Proexport Colombia , 2012).Like any industry is dynamic and changing, it is common for organizations belonging to sectors highlighted as this, to present difficulties, since not all are prepared to face the changing environment , forcing some to close because they cannot bear the burden generated by such changes. The case of the Bodies Sector in Bogota is of interest given the results presented in the first period of 2013, a higher rate of business mortality to 19%, this means 103 companies, which is considered a high percentage. (Directory , 2013)In the analysis these details related to the behavior of companies are going to be exposed, presenting as a case study Carrocerías Benfor Ltd. , which in the opinion of its directors have been adversely affected by changes in the environment.

publication date

  • 2014-03-01


  • Analysis
  • Overcrowding
  • Positioning
  • Sector
  • Strategy

Document Id

  • 6911d815-14d5-4520-9d6c-5cc7675dbd69