Imaginarios sociales de adolescentes y docentes en torno al cuerpo, la corporalidad y la actividad física. Estudio cualitativo en un colegio de Bogotá, 2014-2015 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Correa Domínguez, José


  • Problem. This proposal seeks to approximate to the adolescent students’ reality, with the intention to advance in the understanding of imaginary building around the body, corporeality and PA as an important element in the design of effective programs and plans to encourage the practice of PA. Objective. To analyze the social imaginary facts from teachers and adolescents related to the concepts of body, corporeality and PA. Methods. For the development of this research, a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative case type was chosen. The study population consisted of school adolescents between twelve and seventeen years old, also teachers from the areas of physical education, arts and biology, from a public school in Bogotá. The analysis of content was done. The results were compared taking into account the student’s ages and gender. Results. Teachers and students define the concept of body based on the biological characteristics and the sexual differences. The concept of corporality for students is related to the image and the physical appearance; for teachers it is the possibility of interacting with the environment. For students, the PA is associated with the physical exercise and the sport; for teachers, it is considered a habit that allows health maintenance. Conclusions. In order to promote in an early stage the PA as a vital experience it is necessary to take action in the schools. It is also necessary to connect the body to the learning processes in order to reach the development and the corporal autonomy which implies changes in the syllabus.

publication date

  • 2016-06-09


  • Adolescent
  • Body
  • Embodiment
  • Social imaginary
  • healthy behavior
  • physical activity

Document Id

  • 6f6c282c-8d00-4747-b568-6ee5ad4caf1d