Estudio de caso: La Marcha Patriótica como movimiento social y político: Análisis de la naturaleza de un actor en construcción a partir de su accionar y sus reivindicaciones. 2010 - 2012. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ribón, Ana María


  • This research aims to make an interpretative approach to the Marcha Patriotica [MP] throught three branches: Political Party, Political Movement and Social Movement. To develop this, a characterization of context with the interests of the contributory situations to identify the genesis of the MP was performed. In this context, it was established that the most important and decisive situation were the peace talks in La Habana between Colombia 's government and the guerrillas of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia [FARC]. Subsequently, the description of the three branches of interpretation and definition of how to be understood purpose of the case study was performed. Finally, we proceeded with a characterization of the MP through the branches and concluded with a comprehensive explanation that resulted in the incorporation of new elements of analysis. This allowed the MP to explain from their sectors, their claims, their actions , movements that compose it and the actors with which it interacts .

publication date

  • October 8, 2014 2:35 PM


  • Marcha Patriotica
  • Peace
  • Political Movement
  • Political Party
  • Social Movement
  • actions
  • claims

Document Id

  • 742dee99-0e78-4d94-bb83-c91845af6c2d