Factores asociados a complicaciones post quirúrgicas en pacientes adultos con obstrucción intestinal mecánica en Bogotá, Colombia, período 2008 - 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Manrique Luna, Aura Carolina
  • Salazar García, Andrés Felipe


  • Background: Bowel obstruction is a high prevalence pathology that has a big impact in the surgical services worldwide. One of the therapeutics approaches of this entity is the surgical management, which is intended to prevent the development of intestinal ischemia and bowel resections. However, it is a common postoperative complications in these patients. The aim of this study is to identify factors associated with development of post surgical complications in patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction taken to surgical management. Methods: Case-control type study, in which patients with diagnosis of bowel obstruction undergoing surgical treatment, who presented surgical complications were taken as cases, and those who did not presented it were the controls. Factors associated with post surgical complications were identified through bivariate and multivariate logistic regression statistical models. Expected Results: To identify factors associated with the development of postoperative complications in patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction. : Results: When making the analysis for the association of complications, adjusted for sex and age, relationship between age between 55 to 66 years with an OR 3. 87 and age older than 66 years with an OR of 3. 62 is demonstrated (IC95% 1, 58-9, 50 and 1, 45-9, 08 respectively. In laboratory studies, it was found that a larger base deficit (lesser than < 5) has a OR 2. 64 (IC95% 1. 33-5, 25). Other clinical factors, laboratory, and radiological findings in the postoperative period, as well as the evolution of the patients did not show a clear association with the presence of complications in the postoperative period. Conclusions: Intestinal obstruction remains a difficult management entity, with a high rate of morbidity and mortality associated. Factors such an advanced age and the presence of metabolic acidosis, is associated with the presentation of postoperative complications in this study population.

publication date

  • 2014-11-03


  • Intestinal obstruction - Postoperative complications - Dilated bowel - Bowel adhesion

Document Id

  • 74c84809-229a-4c93-98ac-8b21fe9acb56