Empleo de la diplomacia preventiva por parte de la Organización de Naciones Unidas en el conflicto de Kosovo de 1998-1999 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Mogollón García, Edna Juliana


  • With the objective to reach stability and promote the international peace maintenance, preventive diplomacy was born as a concept focused on strategies to act before, during and after the conflict. The next document seeks to analyze the performance of the preventive diplomacy instruments used by the United Nations during the Kosovo crisis of 1998 and 1999. This crisis emerged because of the conflict between the Serbian government and a dissident movement, known as the Army of Liberation Albano-kosovar that pretended to give an autonomous profile to the territory and the Kosovar Albanian population, showed a series of structural weaknesses that still continues facing this mechanism in resolving ethnic conflicts within states.

publication date

  • 2016-05-05


  • Kosovo crisis
  • Preventive diplomacy
  • autonomy
  • ethnic conflict

Document Id

  • 79db39b4-d7a1-4f56-83f1-909bb0864e9a